Equilateral Network
20,000 sq ft Rainbow Lawn Art Mural Encourages Social Distancing at the National Building Museum Mural during Pride Month 2021

An artistic social distancing lawn art design located at the National Building Museum.
Presented by the Downtown DC Business Improvement District — Aqua Stripe Athletic field making paint on 20,000 square feet of natural grass — June 2021
Lisa Marie Thalhammer's “Equilateral Network” temporarily transformed the National Building Museum’s west lawn with a mural of painted pink triangles and rainbow walking paths, comfortably spaced 6 feet apart. Presented by the DowntownDC Business Improvement District, this piece was designed to encourage social distancing and took inspiration from Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s use of sacred geometry in his city plan for Washington, DC. Lisa Marie’s 20,000 square foot rainbow-spectrum lawn art mural marks her largest installation to date and was on view during the June 2021 Pride season.
“Inspired by Pierre Charles L’Enfant’s original city plan for Washington DC, I arranged a series of equilateral triangles with intention to help balance and harmonize the energy of our nation’s capital,” said Thalhammer. “The triangles piece together creating comfortably spaced areas to sit and paths to walk. This balanced, steady and strong geometry is highlighted in a proud pink amongst a healing color spectrum. It is designed to inspire feelings of calm, unity, peace, equity and joy.”
FOX 5 NEws Artist Interview
Artist Lisa Marie Thalhammer is interviewed on Fox 5 News discussing “Equilateral Network”
ARTist TALK with The NATional Building Museum
Lisa Marie explains her inspiration and process creating “Equilateral Network” in this talk hosted by the National Building Museum. The talk also features Galin Brooks, project visionary and Director of Planning and Placemaking for DowntownDC.

Location: National Buidling Museum, 401 F Street, NW, Washington DC, 20001
NPR - An Enormous Rainbow Mural Graces The National Building Museum Lawn During Pride Month
ABC7 WJLA - PHOTO GALLERY: Artist completes 20,000 sq. ft. rainbow artwork in D.C. for Pride Month
Washingtonian Magazine - Check Out This Stunning Rainbow Lawn Mural at the National Building Museum
NBC News - Rainbow - colored structures light up across U.S. to celebrate Pride
FOX 5 Interview -
Project Credits:
Design & Implementation: Lisa Marie Thalhammer, Artist and Creative Director at Lisa Marie Studio
Vision & Lead Management: Galin Brooks, DowntownDC BID Director of Planning and Placemaking
Sponsor: DowntownDC Buisness Improvement District
Location Management: Cathy Frankel, National Building Museum VP for Exhibitions and Collections, Betsy Salazar National Building Museum Senior VP and Chief Operating Officer; & Chris Frame, Director of Special Events
Art Installation: Chris Maclay, Master Carpentar at the National Building Museum with team members Marcus Collins and Patrick Lipscomb.
Painting Installation & Maintenance Assistants: Mundy Spears, Katherine Perez, Estefaní Mercedes, Houry Kandoyan & the DowntownDC Street Team led by Ellousie Johnson
Public Relations Consultant: Troy Petenbrink, The Gay Traveler & Lisa Marie Thalhammer
Legal Consultant: John D. Mason of Copyright Counselors LLC
Special thanks: Maureen C Alonso, Regional Horticulturist, Joe Luebke of the U.S. General Services Administration, Custom Lawn Service, Neil Albert & Remi Wallace of DowntownDC, Julie Shanklin of Syzygy Events, Shaolion Jazz and Sandy Rex.