How Did LOVE Begin?

Nine years ago I began the new year with a traumatic fall off a ladder, crashing through a glass table, suffering a serious concussion. Then shortly after while still dazed and confused, my partner cheated on me. When I confronted her she beat me up. With a busted head, bruised body and broken heart I began a life shifting journey into understanding energy healing and color therapy. These experiences changed me and my creative practice, eventually inspiring the beginning of my rainbow LOVE creations. When people experience my artwork I want them to feel empowered and inspired to live authentically. Now almost a decade later, I am making a declaration that I will paint LOVE Murals in all 50 states and beyond, which is why I am sharing this with you today.

Can you support me and join my TEAM LOVE in one of the following ways:

  • Donate funds - from getting a coffee to becoming a patron of LOVE, your support is truly appreciated.

  • Identify potential walls in your town by sending pictures to us here.

  • Connect us with local business groups or chambers of commerce who value diversity and authentic growth. 

  • Commission a mural! Learn more and connect with Lisa Marie on a Creative Call.

  • Share grant opportunities or other local funding sources to support our project. 

  • Purchase LOVE merchandise on the shop.

  • Acquire an original artwork by Lisa Marie.

  • Or simply just let us know what love means to you! 

All support in any way is meaningful, welcomed and appreciated. I am grateful for you just being here and reading my Love Letters. 

With creativity and love, 

    🌈💖 Lisa Marie

Lisa Marie Thalhammer

Lisa Marie Thalhammer is an award winning visual artist, well-known for her iconic thirteen color rainbow “LOVE” mural located in Washington’s Blagden Alley. Her artistic mission is to create paintings, portraits and public murals that uplift and empower. As a feminist activist and member of the LGBTQ+ community, Lisa Marie’s artworks frequently communicate messages of strength and hope.

LOVE Appreciation


Team LOVE!